Current Position

Senior Research Fellow in the CoNI Lab (, University of Nottingham, researching brain-behaviour associations, developing robust tractography tools, and building harmonisation resources. Funded by the ERC.
- PhD in Brain Connectivity Mapping, University of Nottingham, 2017-2021
- Supervisors: Stamatios Sotiropoulos, Theodore Kypraios
- Thesis title: Brain connectivity mapping with diffusion MRI across individuals and species
- Graduation: 4th August 2021
- MSc Clinical Sciences (Imaging with Non-Ionising Radiation), University of Newcastle, 2014-2017
- Thesis title: Using advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging techniques to improve the characterisation of multiple sclerosis
- BSc Physics, University of Leicester, 2010-2013
- Senior Research Fellow
- CoNI Lab, University of Nottingham, January 2025 - Current
- Funder: European Research Council (ERC) - the Neuro-Metrology Programme
- Research Fellow
- CoNI Lab, University of Nottingham, October 2021 - December 2024
- Funder: European Research Council (ERC) - the Neuro-Metrology Programme
- Research Assistant
- CoNI Lab, University of Nottingham, April-October 2021
- Visiting Research Scholar
- Anticevic Lab, Yale University, March-May 2019
- Scholars Programme Tutor
- The Brilliant Club, 2018-2021
- Visiting Research Student
- Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tianjin University, Oct-Dec 2016
- Trainee Clinical Scientist (Scientist Training Programme)
- Nottingham University Hospitals, 2014-2017
- STEM Ambassador
- STEMNET, 2016-Current
- Ward Clerk
- University Hospitals of Leicester, Dec 2013 - Aug 2014
- Operating systems
- Linux
- Mac OS
- Windows
- Programming Languages
- Python
- Matlab
- Bash
- Basic HTML
- Tools
- SLURM job scheduler
- Git
- LaTeX
- Neuroimage processing tools (FSL, SPM, …)
- ISMRM Summa Cum Laude abstract merit (abstract in the top 5% for category)
- MRC IMPACT DTP Transition Funding. 6 months of funding to transition from PhD student to post-doctoral researcher. Feb 2021
- First Place Poster Prize for the MRC IMPACT DTP Student Symposium poster competition. October 2019
- UoN Graduate School Flexible Funding, supporting the visit to Anticevic Lab, starting a collaborative project on exploring the stability of multivariate statistical methods. March-May 2019
- ISMRM New Entrant Stipend to attend the 2018 Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB. June 2018
- MRC Supplementary Funding, funding to attend the HCP 2018 Course: Exploring the Human Connectome. March 2018
- IPEM funding awarded to cover expenses for STEM for Britain 2017. March 2017
- NUH Charity Staff Development, funding the visit to the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tianjin University. October-December 2016
- IPEM Travel Award to attend IPEM’s MR Safety Update Conference. November 2015
- Ad-hoc Peer Reviewer:
- Nature Methods
- Nature Neuroscience
- Communications Biology
- Biological Psychiatry: Global Open Science
- Human Brain Mapping
- NMR in Biomedicine
- Scientific Reports
- NeuroImage
- Oxford University Press
- American Journal of Epidemiology
- Brain Topography
- Memberships and Professional Bodies:
- OHBM, Student Member, 2018-Current (with gaps)
- ISMRM, Trainee Member, 2018-Current (with gaps)
- HCPC, State Registered Clinical Scientist, 2017-2021
- IPEM, Associate Member, 2014-Current
- Teaching and supervision:
- PhD supervision: Francesco D’Antonio
- BMedSci supervision
- FSL Course Faculty: Osaka 2024
S. Warrington, A. Torchi, O. Mougin, M. Craig, A. Ntata, F. Alfaro-Almagro, K. Miller, M. Jenkinson, P. S. Morgan, and S. N. Sotiropoulos, “ON-Harmony: A multi-site, multi-modal travelling-heads resource for brain MRI harmonisation”, under-review.
V. Pelekanos, S. Warrington, E. Premereur, J. de Boer, A. S. Mitchell, and the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), “Connectivity in the human and the monkey brain reveals causal contributions of the fornix to Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment”, bioRxiv, 2024. 10.1101/2024.12.02.625865
K. L. Bryant, J. Camilleri, S. Warrington, G. B. Freches, S. N. Sotiropoulos, S. Jbabdi, S. Eickhoff, and R. B. Mars, “Connectivity profile and function of uniquely human cortical areas”, bioRxiv, 2024. 10.1101/2024.06.20.599486
A. M. Howell, S. Warrington, C. Fonteneau, Y. T. Cho, S. N. Sotiropoulos, J. D. Murray, and A. Anticevic, “The spatial extent of anatomical connections within the thalamus varies across the cortical hierarchy in humans and macaques”, eLife, vol. 13, 2024. 10.7554/eLife.95018.1
S. Assimopoulos, S. Warrington, K. L. Bryant, S. Pszczolkowski, S. Jbabdi, R. B. Mars, and S. N. Sotiropoulos, “Generalising XTRACT tractography protocols across common macaque brain templates”, Brain Structure and Function, 2024. 10.1007/s00429-024-02760-0
M. Helmer, S. Warrington, A.-R. Mohammadi-Nejad, J. L. Ji, A. Howell, B. Rosand, A. Anticevic, S. N. Sotiropoulos, and J. D. Murray, “On the stability of canonical correlation analysis and partial least squares with application to brain-behavior associations”, Communications Biology, vol. 7, no. 1, 2024. 10.1038/s42003-024-05869-4.
S. Warrington*, A. Ntata*, O. Mougin, J. Campbell, A. Torchi, M. Craig, F. Alfaro-Almagro, K. L. Miller, P. S. Morgan, M. Jenkinson, and S. N. Sotiropoulos, “A resource for development and comparison of multimodal brain 3 T MRI harmonisation approaches”, Imaging Neuroscience, vol. 1, 2023. 10.1162/imag_a_00042. * joint-contributions
J. L. Ji, J. Demšar, C. Fonteneau, Z. Tamayo, L. Pan, A. Kraljič, A. Matkovič, N. Purg, M. Helmer, S. Warrington, A. Winkler, V. Zerbi, T. S. Coalson, M. F. Glasser, M. P. Harms, S. N. Sotiropoulos, J. D. Murray, A. Anticevic, and G. Repovš, “QuNex—an integrative platform for reproducible neuroimaging analytics”, Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, vol. 17, 2023. 10.3389/fninf.2023.1104508
S. Warrington*, E. Thompson*, M. Bastiani, J. Dubois, L. Baxter, R. Slater, S. Jbabdi, R. B. Mars, and S. N. Sotiropoulos, “Concurrent mapping of brain ontogeny and phylogeny within a common space: Standardized tractography and applications”, Science Advances, vol. 8, no. 42, 2022. 10.1126/sciadv.abq2022. * joint-contributions
P. Tewarie, B. Prasse, J. Meier, K. Mandke, S. Warrington, C. J. Stam, M. J. Brookes, P. Van Mieghem, S. N. Sotiropoulos, and A. Hillebrand, “Predicting time-resolved electrophysiological brain networks from structural eigenmodes”, Human Brain Mapping, 2022.
K. G. Schilling, …, S. Warrington, …, and M. Descoteaux, “Tractography dissection variability: What happens when 42 groups dissect 14 white matter bundles on the same dataset?”, NeuroImage, vol. 243, 2021. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118502
S. Warrington, K. L. Bryant, A. A. Khrapitchev, J. Sallet, M. Charquero-Ballester, G. Douaud, S. Jbabdi, R. B. Mars, and S. N. Sotiropoulos, “XTRACT - standardised protocols for automated tractography in the human and macaque brain”, NeuroImage, vol. 217, 2020. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.116923
E. Peake, S. Warrington, N. J. Dudley, P. S. Morgan, and N. M. Gibson, “A Method of Correcting for the Effect of Temperature on Low-Contrast Penetration Measurement in Urethane Phantoms”, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, vol. 45, no. 6, 2019. 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2019.02.012
Software Contributions
- xtract
- xtract_viewer
- xtract_stats
- xtract_blueprint
- xtract_divergence
- xtract_qc
- XTRACT WM tract atlases
- HCP1065 standard-space DTI templates
- Contributor to QuNex diffusion pipelines
- Contributor to gemmr
Invited Talks
S. Warrington, “The Oxford-Nottingham Harmonisation resource (ON-Harmony)”, Half-Day WIN Event on Data Harmonisation, Oxford University, October 2024.
S. Warrington, “Pushing the boundaries for brain connectivity mapping”, College of Medicine, Korea University, June 2024.
S. Warrington, “Diffusion Tractography”, FSL course, Osaka, Japan, June 2024.
S. Warrington, “Mapping brain (dis)similarities with diffusion MRI; the ON-Harmony MRI harmonisation resource; the Center for mesoscale connectomics”, Laboratory for Brain Connectomics Imaging, RIKEN Centre for Biosystems Dynamics Research, June 2024.
S. Warrington, “My academic career so far”, MRC AIM/IMPACT Student Symposium, January 2024.
S. Warrington, “Mapping brain (dis)similarities using diffusion MRI connectivity fingerprints”, Neuroscience @ Nottingham, January 2024.
S. Warrington, “Concurrent mapping of brain ontogeny and phylogeny within a common space”, Comparative Brain Meeting, September 2023.
S. Warrington, “XTRACT-ing connectivity blueprints to compare brains across individuals, development and species”, Centre for Medical Image Computing (CMIC), University College London (UCL), April 2023.
S. Warrington, “XTRACT and Common Connectivity Spaces”, ISMRM British and Nordic Chapter Teaching Series, October 2021
S. Warrington, S. Jbabdi, “XTRACT-ing Connectivity Blueprints”, WIN Wednesday Methods Series, University of Oxford, September 2021.
Conference Presentations
S. Warrington, B.C. Tendler, H. Farooq, S. Moeller, P. Pisharady, W. Wu, E.J. Auerbach, S. Heilbronner, E. Yacoub, K. Ugurbil, C. Lenglet, K. Miller, S. Jbabdi, J. Zimmermann, S.N. Sotiropoulos, “High Resolution Diffusion MRI Tractography at 10.5T in the in-vivo & ex-vivo NHP brain”, BIC-ISMRM, September 2024. Oral presentation.
B.C. Tendler, W. Wu, S. Warrington, E.J. Auerbach, H. Farooq, S. Moeller, P. Pisharady, C. Lenglet, S. Heilbronner, E. Yacoub, K. Ugurbil, S. Jbabdi, S.N. Sotiropoulos, K. Miller, J. Zimmermann, “Diffusion MRI methods for post-mortem imaging at 10.5 T”, BIC-ISMRM, September 2024. Oral presentation.
S. Assimopoulos, S. Warrington, D. Folloni, K.L. Bryant, S. Jbabdi, R.B. Mars, S.N. Sotiropoulos, “Cross species Standardised Subcortical Tractography”, BIC-ISMRM, September 2024. Oral presentation.
F.D. D’Antonio, S. Warrington, P.S. Morgan, S.N. Sotiropoulos, “End-to-end Complex Reconstruction and Denoising Pipeline for GE Diffusion MRI Acquisitions”, BIC-ISMRM, September 2024. Poster presentation.
F.D. D’Antonio, S. Warrington, J.P. Manzano, J. Shin, T. Sprenger, P.S. Morgan, S.N. Sotiropoulos, “Comparing Deep Learning and Patch-based Denoising of Diffusion MRI”, BIC-ISMRM, September 2024. Poster presentation.
A. Torchi*, S. Warrington*, O. Mougin, J. Campbell, M. Craig, A. Ntata, F. Alfaro-Almagro, K. Miller, M. Jenkinson, P.S. Morgan, S.N. Sotiropoulos, “ON-HARMONY 2.0: A comprehensive travelling-heads resource for multi-modal neuroimaging harmonisation”, BIC-ISMRM, September 2024. Poster presentation. Joint-first author
S. Warrington, “Using structural connections to build common spaces”, OHBM Educational Course, June 2024. Educational session: part of “An introduction to cross-species comparative neuroimaging”, organised by Austin Benn, Katherine Bryant, Katja Heuer and Ting Xu.
S. Warrington, A. Torchi, A. Ntata, O. Mougin, J. Campbell, P. Morgan, M. Jenkinson, S.N. Sotiropoulos, “A testbed for harmonisation of multimodal neuroimaging data”, Neuroscience @ Nottingham, 2024. Poster.
S. Assimopoulos, S. Warrington, S. Pszczolkowski, K. Bryant, R. Mars, S.N. Sotiropoulos, “Generalising XTRACT tractography protocols across common macaque brain templates”, Neuroscience @ Nottingham, 2024. Poster.
J.E. Hunt, S. Warrington, L. Roumazeilles, Z. Molnár, R.B. Mars, “A data-driven parcellation to investigate frontotemporal connections across primate species”, Comparative Brain Meeting, 2023. Poster.
S. Assimopoulos, S. Warrington, S. Pszczolkowski, K. Bryant, R. Mars, S.N. Sotiropoulos, “Generalising XTRACT tractography protocols across common macaque brain templates”, Comparative Brain Meeting, 2023. Poster.
S. Warrington, A. Ntata, O. Mougin, J. Campbell, P. Morgan, M. Jenkinson, S.N. Sotiropoulos, “A testbed for harmonisation of multimodal neuroimaging data”, Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2023. Poster.
S. Assimopoulos, S. Warrington, S. Pszczolkowski, K. Bryant, R. Mars, S.N. Sotiropoulos, “Generalising XTRACT tractography protocols across common macaque brain templates”, Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2023. Poster.
M. Amer, J. Manzano-Patron, S. Warrington, X. Chen, S.N. Sotiropoulos, “Generative models of whole-brain, surface-based imaging features using artificial neural networks”, Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2023. Poster.
A. Howell, S. Warrington, J.L. Ji, R. Cooper, M. Shinn, B. Adkinson, C. Fonteneau, S.N. Sotiropoulos, J.D. Murray, A. Anticevic, “Hierarchical Organization of Cortical White Matter Projections Across Thalamus Varies in Healthy Adults”, Biological Psychiatry, 2023, DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2023.02.673. Poster.
J.L. Ji, J. Demšar, C. Fonteneau, S. Warrington, Z. Tamayo, A. Kraljič, A. Matkovič, N. Purg, M. Helmer, S. Sotiropoulos, J. Murray, A. Anticevic, G. Repovš, “QuNex: A Scalable Platform for Integrative Multi-Modal Neuroimaging Data Processing and Analysis.”, Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2022. Poster.
A. Howell, S. Warrington, J.L. Ji, R. Cooper, M. Shinn, B. Adkinson, C. Fonteneau, S.N. Sotiropoulos, J.D. Murray, A. Anticevic, “Characterizing the spatial pattern of cortical tractography projections within the human thalamus”, Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2022. Poster.
S. Warrington, E. Thompson, M. Bastiani, J. Dubois, L. Baxter, R. Slater, S. Jbabdi, R.B. Mars, S.N. Sotiropoulos, “Mapping brain diversity across ontogeny and phylogeny within a common connectivity space”, Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2022. Oral and Poster Presentation.
S. Warrington, E. Thompson, J. Dubois, L. Baxter, R. Slater, R.B. Mars, S. Jbabdi, M. Bastiani, S.N. Sotiropoulos, “Tractography protocols for the neonatal brain, standardised against the adult human and macaque”, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 2022. Oral Presentation. Summa Cum Laude
J.L. Ji, J. Demšar, C. Fonteneau, S. Warrington, Z. Tamayo, A. Kraljič, A. Matkovič, N. Purg, M. Helmer, S. Sotiropoulos, J. Murray, A. Anticevic, G. Repovš, “A Scalable Platform for Integrated Multi-Modal Neuroimaging Data Processing and Analysis Across Psychiatric Studies”, Biological Psychiatry, 2022, DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2022.02.812
Howell, S. Warrington, J.L. Ji, M. Shinn, S.N. Sotiropoulos, J.D. Murray, A. Anticevic, “Defining Targeted Projection Patterns in Thalamus Using Diffusion Weighted Imaging”, Biological Psychiatry 89(9):S181, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2021.02.460. Poster.
S. Warrington, M. Helmer, J.L. Ji, A.-R. Mohammadi-Nejad, A. Anticevic, J.D. Murray, S.N. Sotiropoulos, “Exploring the stability of canonical correlation analysis between imaging and non-imaging datasets”, Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2020. Poster.
H. Rafipoor, S. Warrington, K. Bryant, S.N. Sotiropoulos, M. Cottaar, R.B. Mars, S. Jbabdi, “Cross-species parcellation of the corpus callosum using joint embedding of connectivity blueprints”, Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2020. Poster.
M. Helmer, S. Warrington, J.L. Ji, A. Howell, B. Rosand, A. Anticevic, S.N. Sotiropoulos, J.D. Murray, “Reliable estimation of Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) and Partial Least Squares (PLS) with application to brain-behavior associations”, Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2020. Poster.
A. Howell, S. Warrington, J.L. Ji, A. Kolobaric, B. Adkinson, C. Fonteneau, S.N. Sotiropoulos, J.D. Murray, A. Anticevic, “Exploring the topography of structure-function mappings across cortico-thalamic systems.”, Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2020. Poster.
A. Howell, S. Warrington, J.L. Ji, B. Adkinson, S.N. Sotiropoulos, J.D. Murray, A. Anticevic, “Defining Targeted Projection Patterns in Thalamus Using Diffusion Weighted Imaging”, Biological Psychiatry 87(9):S380, 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2020.02.973. Poster.
S. Warrington, K.L. Bryant, M. Charquero-Ballester, G. Douaud, S. Jbabdi, R. B. Mars, and S. N. Sotiropoulos, “Standardised protocols for automated tractography and connectivity blueprints”, MRC IMPACT DTP Student Symposium, 2019 - Awarded 1st Place in the poster competition. Poster.
S. Warrington, K.L. Bryant, M. Charquero-Ballester, G. Douaud, S. Jbabdi, R. B. Mars, and S. N. Sotiropoulos, “Standardised protocols for automated tractography and connectivity blueprints”, Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2019. Poster.
A.M. Howell, S. Warrington, J.L. Ji, B. Adkinson, S.N. Sotiropoulos, J.D. Murray, A. Anticevic, “Characterizing higher-order thalamo-cortical projection patterns in humans.”, Society for Neuroscience, 2019. Poster.
H. Ganjgahi, J. Bijsterbosch, E.W. Daw, B. Donohue, E. Fieremans, D. Gahn, M. Glasser, M. Harms, M. Hodge, S. Jbabdi, P. Kochunov, J. Marchini, D. Novikov, S. Smith, S. Sotiropoulos, D. Van Essen, J. Veraart, S. Warrington, A. Winkler, T. Nichols, “Genetics of the Young Adult Human Connectome Project”, Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2018. Poster.
S. Warrington, A. Pitiot, N. Evangelou, P. Morgan, “Using advanced MRI techniques to improve the characterisation of Multiple Sclerosis”, STEM for Britian, 2017. Poster.
Other Publications
- S. Warrington, “Image-guided surgical robots for brachytherapy”, IPEM’s SCOPE Magazine, Special Reports, Sep 2017